Add a keyctl command for granting a permit on a key

Add a keyctl command to allow permits to be granted or removed on a key for
a specific subject.  The kernel maintains the ACL internally from these
alterations, but the ACL isn't directly accessible.

The command looks like:

	keyctl grant <keyid> <subject> <permits>

where subject can currently be one of

	pos	- Permits available to a possessor of the key
	own	- Permits available to key's owner
	grp	- Permits available to key's group ID
	all	- Permits available to everyone

and permits can be any combination of the following letters:

	v	- Permit the subject to view the key's attributes
	r	- Permit the subject to read the key's payload
	w	- Permit the subject to change the key's payload
	s	- Permit the subject to find the key in a search
	l	- Permit the subject to create a link to the key
	I	- Permit the subject to invalidate the key
	R	- Permit the subject to revoke the key
	S	- Permit the subject to change the key's security
	j	- Permit the subject to join the session keyring
	c	- Permit the subject to clear the keyring

For example:

	$ keyctl grant @s own j

will grant the key's owner a permit to join the key as its session keyring,
but will remove all other permits for the owner directly, such as view,
read, etc..

Signed-off-by: David Howells <>
16 files changed